Blow Job: An Extreme Wind Photoseries

by Brittany High
Blow Job: An Extreme Wind Photoseries
Photographer Tadao Cern brings us this series of pictures capturing its models being blown… by intense high winds. The pictures are super silly and LOL-worthy. Which, admittedly, is basically the opposite of what I was expecting when I first read the title of the project, Blow Job. I assumed the images would be more, you know, private in the mouthy? Personally, I’m glad they’re G-rated. If you surfed the web with your mom (which I do — I can’t use the computer without adult supervision!), then you’d be grateful too! But maybe you were really hoping this would contain some sweet blow-jay goodness. If so, I’d like to point out that you are on the internet and that kinda business is reeeaaaally accessible around these parts. That’s actually what it’s here for! Pr0n: the internet’s raison d’être.


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