June 2015
@shampooty 100 gecs 101 Things To Do With Your Modem 1080p 1969 1990s 20 is the new 40 2000s fashion 2012 2013 2013: Appropriating a 2013 2014 3D Animation 3D Cool World 5.4 A Guide to Buying Haunted Items A. G. Cook A.I. aaron carnes Abelton Abner Jay abstract art abstractionists absurdism acoustic action action figures Ad Hoc Adam Harper Adult Swim Adventure Time advertisements advertising aesthetic aesthetics Afterschool Specials AI art Alain Delorme Alan Vega album art alcohol Alejandro Jodorowsky Alexandra Rowland Alissa Timoshinka Alt Space altered states alvin & the chipmunks ambient American Apparel analyses analysis Andre Ulrych Angelina Jolie Angus MacLise Animal Collective animation Ann Steel Anthony Bourdain Anti-art anti-consumerism anti-fashion anti-virus software anti-war anxiety Apophenia Appropration Aquarium Drunkard aquariums architecture Architecture in Helsinki Architecture of Utopia archive ariel rechtshaid Army of Trolls art Art Bears art installation art museum articles artificial intelligence artist artists ASMR Astral Weeks Austin Psych Fest 2013 auteur authenticity Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response avant garde Avey Tare and Panda Bear b-movies Babette's Feast Baby Blue Baby Cartoon Rhymes bad operation Barf-O-Rama Barstool Sports baseball cards BASEKetball bass guitar bath salts Battle vs Death Battle bbrainz beautimus Begotten believers Ben Butcher Bernard Dumaine Berndnaut Smilde Bertolt Brecht Betamax Plus Bill Doss Bill Murray Billy Childish bio-dynamic biodegradable urn biography biosonic MIDI technology Black Dice Black Flag Blackest Rainbow Records Blackout Blade Runner Blockbuster blog Blow Job: An Extreme Wind Photoseries Bob Marley Bob Ross Bongwater Boo Boo books bootleg toys Bradford Cox brain tingles brains Brand New Wayo Brian Brian Eno Britt Brown Brittany Murphy Broadened Horizons: The Ultimate Shit List Bruce Goff Bruce Nauman Brushy Brushy Brutalist Architecture Bubblegum Bass Bubbly Bulbasaur Building the Bridge Burger bus stops butterfly Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Can cannabis career motivated Carl Sagan Cartoon Network Casino Night catbite Censorship chandelier Charles Grodin Charles Thomson Charlie Brown Cheddar Goblin children children's books Chillwave chopped & screwed chris cutler Chris Jordan Chris Maggio Chris Marker Christopher Columbus Christopher Reimer Christopher S. Hyatt Christopher White Chrysta Bell Church of the SubGenius cinema click and point games clothes Clothes of the year 2050 Clouds Coci Cocteau Twins Cody Meirick collaboration collage Collateral Damage collections collectors items comedy albums comedy films comedy music comic books communication Comus condition consciousness consumerism content drift conversations cooking cookwear copyright cosmic jazz costumes cottagecore cover band Cradle of Filth Crass creepy criticism Crock Pots crown shyness cult films cult movies cultural movements culture Culture Jamming Cyber Secrets #3 Dada Daevid Allen Dallas Observer Damien Hirst Damo Suzuki Dan Lam Daniel London Daniel Lopatin Danni Filth Danzig dark database Dave Allen David Bowie David Henry David Lowery David Lynch David Toro David Zucker Dean Ween Dean Zeus Colman December Decimus 4 decline Definition of Hunk Dennis Flemion dental calendar design Destroy All Monsters Detachment and the Spiritual Life Diane Cluck dick jokes digital art Digital DIY Labels digital trends Dimensions of Dialogue Dimitri Tsykalov Diplo director directory DIS Magazine disco Discogs Discordianism discussions distaste DIY DJ Dog Dick DJ Evangelion Fan Theory DJ Warlord documentaries dolphins Donka Doka Dope Diglett Dopesmoker Doug Ferguson Douglas Hill Dr. John drawing Drinkfy drone drone music drugs Duane Pitre dub Dudeism Duppy Gun Dustin Wong Dux Content DVD dysmorphia dystopia Earth Eartheater eBay echo chamber edible fixtures eichlers electronic music electronica Eleh elevators Éliane Radigue Elias Mehringe Elizabeth Hart ELO Emily White emo fashion Energy Entourage Ephermeral Work Eric Copeland Eric Lumbleau esoterica essays etienne conod Eurock Evan Prosofsky events Excepter exercises exhibition experimental experimental cuisine experimental music eyesight fake toys Family Fan Fiction Fandom Music fashion fast food FDA feature films Felicita fiction film film reviews films fire place glass Fire-Toolz Fishing Floating Flying Spaghetti Monster Foetus FoFoFadi food food porn Ford Four American Composers: Robert Ashley France Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons fraud Fred Camper Freddy Got Fingered free Free Blockbuster free jazz Fun Boy Three furniture future pop gadgets gallery Gang of Four Gen Z Generation Y Generation Yawn Genesis P-Orridge genre George Harrison George Plimpton Germany GFOTY Ghost Capital Ghost Modernism Ghostcapital III ghosts Ginny Arnell Giorgio Moroder Glenn Branca Global Village Coffeehouse golden retrievers Gong Goosebumps (TV series) Gorilla vs Bear Goth graphic design grooming Groundhog Day Gruff Rhys Guest Mix Guest Mixes guide guides Guillermo del Toro guitar tunings gummy bears Guo Yi-Hun Guru Guru Gustav Holst GVC hacker culture Hackers hacking Haircut Halloween halloween mix hallucinatory hallucinogens therapy handcrafted objects Hannah Diamond Happiness Harmony Korine harry sword Harvey Milk Hausu Mountain healing HEALTH health & fitness Health Goth hearing loss Hella Hellraiser Hem Sandwich Henry and Glenn Forever Henry Cow Henry Darger Henry Rollins Hippos in Tanks hipster culture hipsters Holger Czukay Holly Herndon holograms Holotropic Breathwork holy fuck Holy Warbles Home Alone homes Homestuck hope hopepunk horror horror movies How to Have a Zen Attitude How to Keep Healthy httpster humaity humanities humor Hung I-chen Hunk Hunk uniform (loosely) hyper connectivity hyperreal Hyperreality I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Iasos ice cream identity Idrissa Diop and Cheikh Tidane Tall Igor Wakhevitch Illuminated Paths Ima Read imagination Important Records independent movies indie fashion indie rock indie sleaze industry news Infectious Disease Balls ink inspiration inspirato Instagram installations interior design internet Internet Archive internet art interview interviews intoxicants inverviews IRL Glasses irony it is most definitely art Ivan Cash Iván Diaz Math J Henry Fair Jabberwocky Jack Black Jack Long James Blackshaw James Bridle James Ferraro James Wines Jan Svankmajer Japanese Bug Fights Japanoise Jared Davis Jeff Bridges jeff rosenstock jer Jessica Chen Jessica Ekomane Jif Peanut Butter Jimmy Buffett John Brien John Carpenter John Fell Ryan John Hamblin John Lurie John Lytle Wilson John Maus John McAfee John Olson Johnny Lee Miller Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Julian Cope Julian Koster Julien Pacaud junk food Junk Food Dinner Kane West Kazumasa Nagai Keippah Kelly Reichardt Kevin Ayers Kevin Champeny Khelifi Ahmed Kickstarter Kids Incorporated Kids Toys Adult Issues kill lincoln Kim Laughton King Frog KinoVino Kiyohiko Senba and The Haniwa All-Stars Kleenex Knitting clock Krautrock Krautrocksampler Kria Brekkan L.A. La Croix LA Vampires Land art Lauren Boyle law of attraction layout Les Claypool Lester Bangs Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone Life During Wartime lifestyle lilangelboi Lindsay Cooper liner notes linguistics link rot Lipgloss Twins lists literature Little Dolls live reviews live streaming lockdown Lol Coxhill London Longest Recorded Echo Lou Reed Lou Reed: Caught Between the Twisted Stars Love (sculpture) LSA LSD Luca Yupanqui Lucie Thomas Lucky Me Luke Wilson Lumen Lydia Lunch M. Geddes Gengras M. Sage Macauly Culkin Macintosh Plus magazines Magic and Superstition magic mushrooms maintenance art Majestic Casual Malcolm McLaren Malcolm Rebennack Male Chef Mandy Manicure Records manifesto Manifesto For Maintenance Art mannequins manz Marco Roso marijuana marine life Mark Prindle Mark Schultz Martin Short Mary Steenburgen masterpieces Matt Furie Matthew Lutz-Kinoy Matthew McConaughey Max Headroom Max Payne 3 Mayan Apocalypse McDonald's MDMA Mean Clown Welcome Meat Clothing media media culture Meditation memes Men Without Hats Meow Wolf merchandise Metal Machine Music Mica Hendrix Michael Nesmith MIDI Midjourney Mike Hughes Mike Kelly mike park mike sosinski Mike Stoklasa Mindfuck mindfulness Minecraft Miracle Legion miscellaneous Mist Mister Mellow Mix Mixes mixtapes modern music analysis modernism Molecular Gastronomy molly Monkees monkeys monoskop Moon Glyph Moth Cock movements Movie Promotional Merch Unlimited movies movments Mr. Impossible Mr. T Mr. Tinglemittens Mrs Doubtfire Mukqs murder music music charts music community music downloads music journalisim music journalism music marketplace music software music videos music websites Music with Roots in the Aether: Robert Ashley mustard plug Mutant Sounds My Bloody Valentine My Little Pony My Mother's Brisket & Other Love Songs my sharona Myles Byrne-Dunhill NASA natural Natural Materials & Structures: Trend Analysis nature Nautipuss negative influencer neon lights NEST HQ’S GUIDE TO NIGHTCORE new age music New Mexico New York New York Times news Nickelodeon Nicolas Cage Nicolás Romero Escalada Nicole McLaughlin Nightcore Nightcorey Nimbus Njena Reddd Foxxx No Use for a Name No Wave No-Neck Blues Band noise NOP Nora Ephron Normcore nostalgia Not Not Fun Not The New York Times NOWNESS NPR Nu Twee nudity Nurse With Wound Nurse With Wound List NY NYC HELL 3:00 OBEY obituaries Obvious Plant ocean oddball music Oingo Boingo Old Joy Oliver Rowe Olivia Newton John Oneohtrix Point Never Online Underground Op Art optical illusion optimism Organ Armani Ornette Coleman Otto Muehl outsider art P.T. Anderson Pacific Rim packaging paint paint flowers painting Painting With John paintings pandemic pandora's box Panos Cosmatos paranormal activity paranormal objects parody Party Pills pastoral Pat Murano Pat Pollari Pataphysics Paul Reubens Pauline Oliveros PC Music peace pedalstare Pee-Wee Herman Penny Rimbaud Pepper Mill Rondo perception shifts Perfect Lives performance art Perma personal growth Pete Swanson Peter Shumann Ph.D. Phil Connors philosophy phonebook Phonocut photography pig-snails Pilgrim Simon pitchfork pitchfork-bashing pizza planetary chocolates plates Plonk art Plop art Plug.DJ plunderphonics podcasts Pokecrew Pokemon Polaris politics Polluted Water Popsicles Pollution PON STOP NOP Poolside Radio pop art pop culture popcorn_10 popsicles porn post-internet posters pranks predictions Primer Procrastination Principle products prog rock Prolaps promo psilocybin psychedelia psychiatry Psychic Ills Psychic TV psychology public art Public Art Fund punk punk cd commercial punk rock puppetry Quasimoto Questlove quotes R Plus 7 R.I.O. Radio Broadcasts radio stations Randy Gilson Randy Warhol Randyland rastafarianism raw meat Ray Lynch Raymond Pettibon Readful Things Real Love recipes recommended records record label record labels records recycling Red Bull Music Academy Red City Noise reel big fish reggae reincarnated Religion Rem Lezar Remodernism Remote Viewer Repo Man retro reviews Richard Beck Richard Sears Rick Moranis Rick Springfield Ricky Allman Rinse.fm RIO Rob Tyner Robedoor Robert Anton Wilson Robert Ashley Robert Greenberg Robert Indiana Robert Smithson Robin Arnott Robin Williams robots rock in opposition Roddy Piper Roger Ebert Roky Erickson Runzelstirn and Gurgelstock Ryan Hemsworth Sally Fields Salvador Dali sampling Santa Fe Sarah Davachi sausage scams scans scary Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark sci-fi science science fiction Scotland Scott Shaw sculpture Seatec Astronomy self improvement self portrait serious? Sesame Street Seth Cohen Seven Figures Severed Heads sex sex tapes sexy Shane Caruth Sharkula Sherman Hemsley sherpas shoegaze short films sign offline signs Simpsonwave Site-Specific Art ska ska against racism skateboarding skeptcis skull slackers slang Sleep Slime Cake sludgefest Slyme Records Snoop Dogg Snoop Lion So You'd Like to...Be an Anti-Gen Xer (Part 1) So You'd Like to...Be an Anti-Gen Xer (Part 2) social networks Soloman Chase Sonic Wonderland Sonic Youth Sopa Pipa Sophie sound sound archives sound art soundcloud SoundSelf space space plates Space Trips Spencer Longo SPF420 spirituality spoof sports St. Bernard's Sports Star Trek Star Wars Stephen Colbert Stephen Gammell Stereo Mood Steven Stapleton still life stoner comedies stoner metal stoner movies streaming Stump Subcultures subversive humor Subvertising Suicide summer Sun Araw Sun Ra Sunday is Raining sunglasses sunshine pop surrealism sustainable fashion Swans synesthesia System Focus T.V. Shows Taco Bell Taiwan TALSounds tattoos technology Television Ten Steps on How to Become a Slacker Terrence Malick thc The 13th Floor Elevators The Adventures of Pete & Pete the angles of comfort The Apples in Stereo The Art Box The B-52s The Baseball Card Vandals The Beach Bum The Big Lebowski The Birthday Party The Black Madonna The Bread and Puppet Theater The Coen Brothers The Congos The Day My Kid Went Punk The Family International The Frogs The Great Puke-off the handmaid's tale The Illuminatus! Trilogy The Incredible String Band The Jetsons The Last Trick The Life Stains The Lounge Lizards The Master The Master Musicians of Joujouka The Music Tapes The Now Age The OC The Odd Recommendation The Oh of Pleasure The Olivia Tremor Control The Red Shoes The Relative Band The Roots The Shape of Jazz to Come The Shining The Simpsons The Strokes The Sweet Homewreckers The Sylvers The Tubes The Velvet Underground The Wire therapy Theses on Punk They Live Thibault Zimmerman Things Organized Neatly things that would never have happened until they happen This is how NASA wakes up astronauts Thomas Newman Throbbing Gristle Thurston Moore Tinashe tiny hands tips To the Wonder Todd Solondz Tom Green Tony Futura Tony Sly Toro y Moi Tox Modell toys Trans Air Records trash Treasure Hunt trees Trevor Cox Trevor Reveur Trey Parker and Matt Stone tribute Trippy Turtle tromp l'oeil Tron tumblr Tupac turntable.fm Tuxedomoon TV Operas TV shows Twee twitter udi koorman UK underground art underground music unicorn unknown unpublished Unresponsive Design upcycling Upstream Color Urban Dictionary urban legends Urban Outfitters URL shows V/A - West Indies Funk 3 Val Kilmer Van Morrison vaporwave vapourwave vegan Velvet Underground VHS video Video Art video edit video games video rental videos Vince Guaraldi Vine vintage vinyl Vinyl Marketwatch Virtual Reality Wabi-Sabi Want to save your eyes? Change your light bulbs. Warp Records Washed Out Waterpark weapons websites WEDIDIT Weird Al wellness Wendy's WFMU What Makes A Bad Movie Enjoyable? WHTEBKGRND wifislilangel Wikipedia Wild Man Fishcher Will Oldham Williams Street Winston Riley Wolf Eyes Women Woods Yellow Swans youth culture youtube YouTube Poop Zebra Katz zen Zen Filmmaking Zim & Zou Zin-Say Zonal Zoom Lens

Male Chef Is Food Porn’s Worst Nightmare

Artificial brain turns clouds into psychedelic pig-snails

Artificial brain turns clouds into psychedelic pig-snails

Welcome to a psychedelic universe where aqueducts surrounded by glaciers fold in on themselves. This kaleidoscopic image, created by a quirk of brain-mimicking software, started out as something much less spectacular: random noise.
The software is an artificial neural network developed by Google, called the Inception module. Just as the brain detects patterns to classify images and make sense of speech, so neural networks can simulate this ability to identify features in an image.
But like children seeing shapes when looking at clouds, the software can over-interpret what it sees. This can lead to escalating absurdities, like the red landscape above which the network processed to include tractor-like vehicles and a dog emerging from a tree. In the pictures below, hybrid pig-snails appear in the sky.
Although the surreal landscapes produced may look pretty, they aren't exactly useful. But by studying how the software processes information, Google's engineers can tweak it to optimise its interpretative skills.
Neural networks' talents aren't limited to making sense of images. They can quickly estimate the number of objects in a scene without counting them – mimicking the ability of humans and some animals – and even play video games.

Ornette Coleman Has Died

Jazz legend was 85

Jeremy Gordon 

Ornette Coleman Has Died
Ornette Coleman has died at the age of 85, The New York Times reports. The cause of death was cardiac arrest, according to a family representative. 
Coleman is widely acknowledged one of jazz's great innovators, as both a saxophonist and a composer. He released several influential albums, such as 1959's The Shape of Jazz to Comeand 1961's Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation, which popularized the concept of "free jazz."
In addition to collaborating with other noted jazz musicians such as Charlie Haden and Don Cherry, he worked with artists such as Lou Reed (on Reed's The Raven LP), Yoko Ono, and Jerry Garcia. 
Coleman's 2005 Sound Grammar LP won him the Pulitzer Prize for Music in 2007. That same year, he also received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

A Guide to Buying Haunted Items

A Guide to Buying Haunted Items

Published by

terethel & Re-Published by HUNK

    The eBay market for haunted and enchanted items has swelled significantly over the last few years, and, with it, the possibility for fraud.  This text is meant to serve as a general guide for buyers seeking to acquire these items. 
    I am writing this essay as a concerned co-eBayer, not as a critic of any specific seller.  Remember, you worked very hard for your money and, despite what any witch or seller may claim, wealth itself is not easy to come by. 
    You deserve to receive a genuine item (or at least an item that the seller believes to be genuine).  You do not deserve to be defrauded, deceived, or bamboozled, and you certainly do not deserve to have your own dreams, needs, and insecurities used to manipulate you into purchasing a potentially worthless object.
    As always, think carefully before bidding.  I hope that the considerations contained here will be of some help to you.  Examine each listing carefully and ask yourself the questions you find important.
Preliminaries & Background
    We live in a complex and impersonal world.  Many people believe, however, that we can experience the supernatural in real ways - ways that can affect us physically, ontologically, and spiritually, for better or for worse.   Through history, these experiences revolve around people, places, and, most importantly here, objects. 
     The human recognition of such objects is ancestral; the impulse to acquire them is ancient, and widespread in every society.  Anthropologists refer to these items as "fetishes," and Webster's dictionary defines a fetish as "an item that is believed to have spiritual or magical powers."  While some Christians would disagree, elements of fetishism are present in every religious system.  The existence of fetishes -- beyond any supernatural power -- stems from an innate human desire to control  one's surroundings, one's peers, and one's destiny.
    It is not within the author's scope:
  1. to determine whether or not such objects can exist at all;
  2. to definitively describe a method to accurately gauge the value - spiritual or monetary - of one object over another;
  3. to evaluate specific sellers or listings, or to recommend which types of listings are worthy of trust; 
  4. to predict or explain the specific supernatural effects caused by certain items (or the lack of them); 
  5. to define what a spell is, to survey alleged spell effects, or to prove that spells do or do not "work"; or, finally,
  6. to judge between one belief system and the next.  
    The final decision regarding all of these issues is left to the individual bidder.
     Rather, the direct purpose of this article is to raise a series of issues that each bidder should seriously consider before bidding on any haunted or enchanted item. 
Human Greed & the Propensity to Hoard
    As human beings we have an instinctive impulse to hoard.  This impulse extends not only to material wealth, but to philosophical abstracts: we hoard power, control, knowledge, privilege.  In fact, this drive to accumulate is one of the many causes of economic disparity, human suffering, and social strife - the rich and powerful, at the expense of the poor and disenfranchised, fiercely guard their access to wealth and influence.  Only the very generous overcome this instinct. 
     Imagine that you had something that you knew for certain had definite power over the world around you.  Would you give it away?  Would you auction it off on eBay?      Many sellers insinuate that monetary prizes, great careers, and enduring romances have been directly caused by the items they sell.  Without speculating as to whether or not these events actually occurred, you should ask yourself: if you came to possess such an item, would you likewise distribute it to a complete stranger, or would you keep it for yourself, in your family?
Photographs & Photograph Editing
    Definitive, scientifically acceptable evidence of spectral reality remains elusive.  Nevertheless, many qualified paranormal investigators believe that the appearance of "orbs" and/or "ectoplasm" in photographs proves the presence of paranormal activity. 
    Orbs usually appear as small, translucent white circles in the image.  Ectoplasm appears as multicolored (usually white) streaks, clots, or a pale mist.   In extremely rare circumstances, a partial or even full ghostly figure, translucent and anthropoid, may be captured.  None of these phenomena is present physically when the photograph is taken.
    While such evidence is often extremely convincing, the bidder should be aware that, in many cases, photographic phenomena like the ones listed above can be attributed to natural, non-paranormal causes such as over-exposure.  Beyond this, some orb effect can be produced by direct sunlight in the camera, and the appearance of ectoplasm can very often be attributed to smoke.
    It also goes without saying that the absence of photographic phenomena does not indicate fraud.  Tourists and other visitors to some of the most haunted sites in the world do not universally come away with strange pictures.  The bidder should be aware that photographs alone do not constitute the proving point for metaphysical items. 
Creating Spectral Evidence:
    A standard roll of four-ply toilet paper is quite possibly the most un-paranormal object in the known world.  Having photographed one on a plain, non-descript background, I will use it to demonstrate how commonly accepted photographic ?proofs? of paranormal phenomena can be easily faked.
Listing title: "SEE COVEN toilet paper roll!  50,000+ years old!  HIGH PRIESTESS MAJYKKX!  Luck, money, love! 150X spells!"


Toilet paper roll with spectral orbs.  Edited using Adobe Illustrator.


Toilet paper roll with red, blue, and orange spectral streaks.

Toilet paper roll with red orbs.

Previous effects can be faked with this item, a hand-held color-LED  fan from the Sharper Image.  This item is both easy to obtain and inexpensive.  Features two transparent, soft plastic blades (child safe) that do not appear when photographed.

Toilet paper roll with ectoplasmic fog (black background)

Toilet paper roll with wide swath of ectoplasm.


Toilet paper roll; lit incense stick, foreground.  Sandalwood scented.  Note pure stream of white smoke.  Holding a lit stick of incense a hand's length below the camera lens will give a convincing "ectoplasm" effect.

Toilet paper roll with incense package ( Tulasi Chandan  brand, a great smell).  Note continued appearance of ectoplasmic fog, caused by lit incense.

Beyond these items, additional spectral effects can be faked with Adobe Illustrator.  Introducing a sparkler (bought around the Fourth of July) will also give the appearance of sparkling or shooting energetic signatures.  Many other light-, smoke-, spark-, or fire-emitting items can be used to create these images.
     While photographs may be genuine, the bidder is urged to use caution when regarding spectral evidence.
The Archaeologist's Life & The Value of Paranormal Objects
    Archaeology began as the pet hobby of a few European noblemen who had the financial resources to travel the world and engage in long, difficult digs. 
    Though the costs of international airfare have declined somewhat, the ability to journey from continent to continent in search of antiquities and oddities remains a prerogative of the very wealthy. 
    Whatever they find is procured at great personal and economic cost - hence most important historic, artistic, and spiritual pieces have found their way into private collections.  Are they likely to leave these collections? 
    A few sellers on eBay claim to have dedicated their lives to traveling the world searching for paranormal artifacts.  This scenario is not impossible, but it is very unlikely - compounded, of course, by the fact that these individuals are now selling on eBay at relatively low prices. 
    The search for an occult edge is not limited to average people.  Bear in mind that some (if not most) members of the global elite maintain a keen interest in the occult as well, and are usually willing to pay top dollar for genuine curios. 
    The bidder should always ask himself or herself whether or not the seller is telling the truth in regards to their lifestyle.  Is it plausible that an artifact hunter is shilling off his or her finds on an online auction site?  Or is it more plausible that the seller is trying to deceive others by mentioning unverifiable circumstances?
Size of an Estate
    Once, adornment was the prerogative of the noble elite.  Over the last century, jewelry has become more common.  Now, everyone has jewelry.  Why?  Primarily because of the dislodging of gold as the foundation of monetary systems worldwide.  This, along with rising standards of living, has made it possible for more gold and silver to enter consumer markets.
    Silver - an historical standard of finance in many countries - has entered such wide circulation that even fine silver jewelry is extremely accessible to every stratum of society. 
    The bidder should remember that the current state of affairs regarding jewelry only came into being within the last few decades.  Large stockpiles of jewelry predating the 1950s were extremely rare, though not unheard of.
    In addition to this, some eBay sellers claim to be emptying "estates" - a process which for many of them seems to have lasted for several years.  If you are a practicing witch, how many jewelry items do you have?  Would it take several months, or even years, for an arbiter to sell them all?  While large estate sales are not uncommon, the bidder should be aware of the possibility that the seller is merely acquiring more unrelated objects outside the original lot (if the original estate existed at all) and selling them under the same "trademark" or "brand."  Such a practice is inherently deceptive.
Items from the Centuries-old Traditions
    Every reasonably-minded bidder should have some inclination as to how this scenario is highly implausible (though, technically, not impossible). 
    Things of historical significance belong in museums.  In contrast, old things of little value are easy to find and re-label.  Consider searching for roman ring , ancient ring , or roman coin.  Hundreds of items of this nature are available on eBay at any time. 
    Old coins from other nations - including China - are also easy to obtain.  The bidder should be aware that anyone is capable of buying an ancient ring, fabricating an extravagant occult history, then selling the ring back to a gullible eBayer at a huge profit.

A Note About the Salem Witch Trials
    The infamous Salem Witch Trials have always been an item of historical interest.  Many academics have dedicated a great deal of time - perhaps even their whole lives - to researching those events.
    It is the opinion of many professional historians that witchcraft as such was never really a factor in the Trials - these historians recognize the driving force of the Trials as religious tension manifesting in a social hysteria.  Moreover, some biologists have drawn a connection between the Witch Trials and a poisonous, hallucinogenic fungus called ergot.
    One is free to dismiss these views as overly secular.  In any case, the topic of the Salem Witch Trials - and of Witch Hunts and Witch Trials in general - remains hotly disputed (see, for example, the Wikipedia entry and talk pages on "Witch Trial").  Regardless of one's conclusions, the bidder should be aware of how a seller references the Salem Witch Trials.  They could be accurate, or they could be attempting to inflate the item's value and drive up the bidding price.
Listing Fads & Trends
    In spite of the allegedly cosmic extent of magical forces, the use of magic on eBay usually prevails over a few specific concerns: love, money, and physical appearance.  Even beyond these categories, listings seem to imitate each other, especially following an extremely high successful bid and sale.
    Among the current listing fads:
  • Fairies
  • Physical Transformation amulets
  • Coven Jewelry (jewelry enchanted by an entire coven or set of covens)
  • Jewelry allegedly dating to several centuries ago
  • Wish-granting items
  • Items having been owned or enchanted by gypsies
  • Genies
    Also, there appear to be listing trends, where listings follow a pattern of attempting to substantiate the claims made regarding each item.
    Among the current listing trends:
  • Extravagant Genie Lineages, usually involving a total mangling of Islamic mythology
    It is possible that all of these items are genuine, and, if indeed the photographs and journals are genuine, they would serve to substantiate metaphysical claims. 
    Selling in concord with these fads or trends does not of itself indicate fraud, as each seller can be construed to be responding to perceived eBay market preferences.   Desire for profit, however, would vitiate many sellers' insinuation to be selling only so that the items will find their "rightful" or "destined" owner.
    The bidder, in every case, should make his or her own determination as to whether the seller is genuine or is copying a more successful eBay member.
"My Grandmother the Witch"
    One may come to one's own conclusions as to what number of witches have been trained, have lived, and have died in the world during each century.  And, of course, it is true that similar people can lead similar lives.  Take account, however, of how many stories are similar in the following regards:
  • Seller is maternally related to deceased witch
  • Deceased witch (and/or seller) is of a protracted lineage (7th generation, etc.)
  • Deceased witch is an octo-, novo-, or centro-genarian (80, 90, or 100 years old) or even more
  • Deceased witch only practiced White magic, and only practiced for the benefit of others
  • Estate of deceased witch is limited exclusively to jewelry items
  • Deceased was High Priestess or of similar rank
    Though these details may be real, there is a possibility that some are merely copying the listings of more successful sellers in an attempt to inflate the value of their items.
A Note About "Gypsies"
   Among people renowned for alleged magical powers, the "Gypsies" -- a vague term referring to an ethnic and cultural group with origins in Northern India -- are, perhaps, foremost.  Gypsy-like characters appear everywhere, usually involved with fortune-telling, sorcery, or sexuality.
   The bidder must understand that these quaint caricatures are exactly that -- most preconceptions we have about "gypsies" belong in cartoons.  Members of this group prefer to be called "Romani," and they deserve respect as heirs to their own history and culture.  A Romani woman, using the eBay user name "sintipower," has taken a stand by writing against the negative "gypsy" stereotype and its use here on eBay.  You can find her guide here .
   Every buyer should exercise care when purchasing items related to a culture with which they are not familiar.  Is the seller taking advantage of an ethnic slur to sell something fake?
The Chores of the Afterlife
    Many sellers describe the presence of an overshadowing spirit -- namely, the spirit of their departed mentor or teacher, who, while deceased, somehow remains vigilant over the items he or she previously owned.  This sense of eminence grise is also known as Obi Wan Kenobi syndrome (are even the most intimate details of our lives viewed by ghosts?  Try Googling 'wank seance').
    Requiem aeternam dona eis, domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis: "Unending rest grant unto him, Lord, and may the undying light shine upon him."  This liberation from the endless empty work and vicissitude of life is the primary appeal of the hereafter.  It goes without saying that being relegated to custodianship of jewelry or objects -- and all the menial duties involved -- would be a grim vision of the afterlife.
    When you die, would you enjoy eternal service as a spectator, forced to police the use of your possessions -- possessions your students and admirers have, in their grief, sold off on eBay?  (thanks to user cate108 for this insight) 
    In conclusion, think carefully before bidding.  Thank you for taking the time to read this guide!


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