Before presenting these techniques, I would just like to briefly go over the purpose of energized meditation. The main purpose, is to destroy ANYTHING that inhibits you from being your true self and accomplishing your own personal free will. These techniques are built off of a tension-charge-discharge-relaxation philosophy and are meant to release all tensions throughout your body as a mind-body correlation is presented, and an understanding is given on how all negative thoughts create tension in your body. These techniques also show how most values, beliefs, opinions, and behaviors are the result of deep subconscious fears and survival tensions, and how we must release these if we are to find our true will's and live life according to how we were meant to, at the most primal level. I won't go much further in to detail, if you are truly interested, PLEASE check out the book. I can't recommend it enough.
Here are the preliminary techniques. I'll provide one of the actual meditation exercises in the next posting.
MENTAL CHATTER AND SUB- VOCAL TRANSMISSIONS“Before we get into the first segment of this technique let me make you aware of some facts. Constant mental chattering or thought creates tensions. When you are thinking your voice box moves ever so slightly as thoughts are flowing through your mind. In addition, the jaw moves slightly, as well as the tongue and the eyes. In fact, as stated before there is a fine state of tension when we are thinking. So to achieve true mindlessness, we first must become aware of the facial, throat, and neck tension which are associated with thinking.”
Experiment 1Sit or lie down in a quiet place and allow yourself to “think” about anything. Notice how and where your thinking is experienced. Notice what motions and tensions exist in your face-neck-throat area. After you have completed this, “think” about something unpleasant and notice if there is any difference. Now try “thinking” about something pleasant and make the same notations. Once you are thoroughly aware of this, attempt the following:
Experiment 2Lie down and do not move. just breathe normally with your eyes closed. Now become aware and describe out loud for 15 minutes every sensation and muscle twitch in your body. Become aware that tension exists all around and within you.
These two experiments should be tried three times over a week to help you verify that tension is thought - thought is tension. This will require 45 minutes - 15 minutes for each trial. If you do not experience the voice box — facial sensation, or if you are not aware of anything during experiment 2, double the time.